Taman Ujung Or commonly called Tam Sukasade is located on the beach. Apart from being a place of recreation, Taman Ujung Karang Asem was also chosen as a place to carry out pre-wedding photo shoot activities or better known as Pre Wedding. Many photographers and married couples choose this location as a place to carry out their pre wedding because the place is indeed very beautiful and suitable for shooting. We also recommend this Ujung Park as a beautiful tourist area and of course it is very suitable for carrying out pre-wedding activities.

Ujung Karang Asem Park is a place of high historical value ,

because this park was created by Raja Karang Asem when Bali was still divided into several kingdoms. Here you can read our complete article about the History of Taman Ujung Karang Asem Bali.

Taman Ujung Karangasem is located in the village of Tumbu, Karangaem - Bali.

In the old kingdom era, this place was built with the aim of being a resting place by the kings.

During the Dutch East Indies period this place was called  WaterPaleis,  which means "Water Palace".

Why? During the Dutch East Indies era, this place was called the Water Palace, because indeed some places in this park were beautiful water pools.

In this park there are 3 large ponds, 1 pond is in the south and 2 other ponds are in the north.

In the south pond, there is a building in the middle of the pond which is called 'Bale Bengong'. This building has no walls, only concrete pillars to support the roof of this building.

Previously this building was intended to host honored guests in the Karangasem kingdom.
The pond in the north is bigger than the pond in the south. In the middle of this pond there is a bridge to cross this pond.

At the end of the bridge, to be precise, in the middle of the north pond, there is a building that was once used as a resting place for kings.

By the community, this building is referred to as the “Hanging Palace” because this building looks like it is hanging.